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Sunday, 27 December 2015

2015 Edition: Top 5 Places In The World

Since this will be my last post for the year I figured I would do a round up of my favorite places. Hopefully the more I travel every year this list will change a little, or at least I'll be able to extend it a little more. I've got to put a disclaimer though, I haven't been to some of these places in years and they may have changed a lot since I've been there or better yet the nostalgia may have taken over and I can't accurately remember how bad the place actually was, but from my recollection, these are the places in the world I felt the most comfortable and happy.

1. River Bay

2. The Beach, St. Eustatius

3. Park Morazan, Costa Rica

4. Bondi Beach, Australia

5. Central Park, New York City, New York

Honorable mention to my bed. Doesn't matter where I in the world I am, the place I go to sleep will always be the place I feel the happiest.

Sunday, 20 December 2015

Travel Music (Mike Posner - The Truth)

Mike Posner is an amazing artist. I've been listening to him since his 'Cooler Than Me' days, where people knew him if you played that song but they didn't really know him as an artist. The reason I got so into him was because I bought his CD and listened to it from beginning to end on repeat. Not all artists can carry you on a journey like that.

His albums have always had a travel type title to them, but thats mostly because he's about to carry you on a crazy ride. He carries you up high, then brings you down to some profound lows and takes you right back up again. The titles also act as a good metaphor for where he is with his music;
31 Minutes To Takeoff (First Album), The Layover (Mixtape), and finally The Truth (New EP).

I love Mike's early stuff but I've recently rediscovered all of his new stuff and I've got to say; I'm impressed. It's incredible having music you are nostalgic for because it perfectly fits a time in your life, but to have that artist grow with you and change too. Then do it all over again, that's unbelievable.

'The Truth' is short but every track is profound. It feels like your old travel buddy who's been on the road for a while, finally coming home and you guys are just chilling. Sitting down over a few beers, he tells you about his experiences and you realize he's been through some serious shit. Every lyric is dripping with wisdom. Just sit there and be in awe. This EP is more deep than fun, but its profound. Mostly I just want to see what comes out next. Guess only time will tell.

Hope I didn't oversell it though. Check out Mike's EP here. Let me know what you think. And if you are a fan or even just a little interested, take a look at his blog. There is a lot of really interesting stuff on there, worth reading and listening to.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Facts That Will Make You Want To Travel

Not that you needed another reason to pack your bags. But I'd love to jump on a plane right now. Be warned though, watching this video may drop you in a Buzzfeed travel hole and you might not be able to get out of until 5 videos later.

Seriously though, lets get out of here. Like now. *flip the table*

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Wanderers - A Short Film By Erik Wernquist

A friend of mine who is fascinated by space and science posted this short film on my Facebook page. It's not your typical travel video, since all the scenes are fake, but it does inspire me. Again, a beautifully shot video with an inspirational voice over and I'm a goner.

Number 61 on my Bucket List is "Go to space"; I know this may seem a little unrealistic, but I kind of don't care. I really want to go to space. How cool would that be? Like, super cool, thats how cool. We are advancing so rapidly, I think its only a matter of time before we get there. Whether its through necessity or want, sooner or later we are going to expand to the rest of this universe. Sometimes being a wanderer means going somewhere uncharted. Space is full of exploration possibilities. I'm looking forward to when we have the opportunity to investigate it further.

Although the images are fake, the film is based off of scientific ideas. All the locations are places in space recreated based on real photos and map data. Its amazing the amount of thought went into this video. If you are interested in the places depicted, take a gander at the gallery section, it has additional information explaining what you are seeing.

Since this isn't really a reality right now, enjoy the video and dream of the next phase of exploration. If you want to check out a High-Def version of this video check it out here. Also check out Erik Wernquist's site, this guy is an astonishingly talented digital artist and you should check out more of his stuff.

So if you had to explore space where would you want to go? A Black Hole? The Sun? Mars? Take your pick and let me know in the comments down below.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Greetings From... Barbados

As a Postcrosser in an 'Exotic' location I get a lot of requests for private swaps. People trying to complete collections from around the world seems to be way more common than you would think.

I don't generally do private swaps but every once in a while I'll get really compelling requests and I can't help but agree to send a postcard. I've gotten ever type of request from travelers making a project for their children to teach them about the world, to terminally ill people trying to make their birthdays special. This site has a way of connecting people who love to collect information about the world even if they can't travel themselves.

One private request I get regularly is for "Greetings From..." cards. For a while I didn't understand what it was about. In the beginning I thought they just wanted a card saying "Greetings From Barbados." However, one of my friends enlightened me that there is a Greetings From Series on of different countries, which they are trying to collect. What postcrossers try to do is get cards sent to them from their respective countries. The cards are lovely and some of the locations are fairly random so it looks like it can get fairly difficult.

I'm getting more and more interested. I think I'm going to send myself cards from the countries that I've visited instead of just asking people to send me cards. Although I see the appeal of needing a full collection.

If you want to check out the series go here. Just know it is kind of addictive and you will want to collect them all.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Loving Lanka

I love me a beautifully shot travel video with an inspirational voice over. And this video does not disappoint. It's gorgeous, and there is some interesting talk about time. Not gonna lie, I don't understand everything said, but its pretty and it feels inspirational, so it works.

Regardless, theres a pretty great story behind this video. Dude (Sebastian Linda), quits his job, got married, then moves to Sri Lanka. That's incredible. What he's seen and the art he's created with his camera makes me jealous. I don't really know much more than that, but it seems to have been worth it.

Take a gander at Sebastian's YouTube page. For how stunning his videos are, I'm surprised by how few views he has, but you can fix that right now by watching all his videos on repeat for 3 days straight.

Anyhow, do you guys have anything you appreciate for it's beauty but are aware that you don't fully understand everything about it? If so, let me know what that thing is in the comments down below.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Bucket Lists

Now that you've watched Morgan Freeman explain what a Bucket List is; I should let you know that I love Bucket Lists.

I actually forgot I made a Bucket List from when I was like 13 or 14 then I found it and I was like, 'Hey, this is a good place to start but maybe put stuff on there that someone older than 13 would want to do.' So then I started adding to it, and from that the Ever Growing Bucket List was created. Pretty much every year on my birthday I add 5 more things to the list. They range from big long term impractical goals, to small things I could probably achieve tomorrow. For example,

30. Learn 3 other languages.
56. TP a house.
61. Go to Space.

Bucket Lists are good because they can focus your life. A list of things you should be doing with your life. They may not necessarily make your life better, or you may not get the experience you thought you would get. But at some point you thought this thing was important enough for you to say I want to do that with my life. My Bucket List, keeps me grounded. Sometimes when I'm feeling lost, I look at it and it reminds me of what I should be doing. Travel is a huge part of that since, most of the items are just things I need to go and see. From what I gather most people have at least one travel item on their list, and I think thats because travel is such a huge life goal; everyone knows they should probably be doing more of it.

Seeing someones Bucket List also gives you a good understanding of a person's inner-thinkings. This guy (Matt Bray), actually has a great bucket list and is recording most of his accomplishments on his YouTube channel, ProjectOneLife. You may remember him from my post on 100 Days of Dance. Its pretty epic and throughly enjoy watching this guy just live life.

Also, there was a pretty spectacular teenager by the name of Rebecca Draper Townsend who was in the news for pushing her friend out of the way of a truck, saving her friend's life. Her bucket list was short and sweet.
  • Kiss in the rain.
  • Fly to Spain.
  • Save a life.
I don't think she had any idea of what that meant to write, but I'm impressed by her story and her balls to follow through. Check out more of Rebecca's story here in this SourceFed article, and for more check out the Facebook Community growing around her story.

On that note, do you have a Bucket List? If so, whats on it? Not that I'm being nosey, I'm just interested in what you plan on accomplishing by yourself. Because number 23 should definitely be Finish an XL Pizza alone.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Movember 2015

Usually the first post for every month here at Life From The Shore is a photo post, but November is different. Its Movember, baby! Every November I shed my facial hair for Prostate Cancer. 
The Rules are simple

Rule One: Register at Then begin on the 1st on November with a clean shaven face.

Rule Two: Grow and Groom your mustache for the entire month.

Rule Three: No Beards. No Goatees. No Fake Mustaches. Have some class.

Rule Four: Use the divine power of your Mustache to start conversations about Men's Health and Raise Funds.

Rule Five: Each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a true gentleman.

There you have it. Thats all it takes to support men's health and to raise funds for Prostate Cancer. Its a great cause. And it doesn't hurt to spice up November either. If you'd like to start a campaign go to And if you would like to support my campaign, skip on over to

Sunday, 25 October 2015

The Sunscreen Song by Baz Luhrmann

Ladies and Gentleman, of the Class of ’99. Wear sunscreen. If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientist, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience. I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. O never mind. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded. But trust me in twenty years you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now, how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked. You are not as fat as you imagine.
Don't worry about the future. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind. The kind that blindsides you at 4 pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing every day that scares you.
Don't be reckless with other peoples hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.
Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long. And in the end, its only with yourself.
Remember compliments your receive, forget the insults. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old love letters. Throw away your old bank statements.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know, didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives. Some of the most interesting 40 year old's I know still don't.
Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they are gone.
Maybe you'll marry. Maybe you won't. Maybe you will have children, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll divorce at 40. Maybe you'll dance the funky chicken at your 75th wedding anniversary. Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself too much, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else.
Enjoy your body. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it. Or what other people think of it. Its the greatest instrument you will ever own.
Dance, even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions even if you don't follow them. Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they will be gone for good. Be nice to your siblings. They are your best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go. But for the precious few, you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle for as the older you get the more you will need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York City once but leave before it makes you hard. Live in Northern California once but leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths. Prices will rise. Politicians will philander. You too will get old. And when you do, you will fantasize that when you were young, prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you will have a trust fund, maybe you will have a wealthy spouse. But you never know when either one might run out.
Don't mess too much with your hair. Or by the time you are 40 it will look 85.
Be carful who's advice you buy. But be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more that its worth. But trust me on the Sunscreen.

Life from the Shore requires Sunscreen. If traveling is about learning and developing yourself. Baz Luhrmann is a high priest of travel and the Sunscreen Song is his gospel. It's simple advice that comes from his experience. Not everything he says will resonate at once. But if we are talking about inspiration to live a happier life, he gives quite a few important tips. Baz says what works for him, and you can do with that what you will.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Paradise Falls from Up

Angel Falls / Paradise Falls
Brittanica/Disney taken from

I've been pretty obsessed with Up recently; and Disney for literally my entire life. Up is that perfect Disney mix of sad with a 'Happily Ever After'. Ellie and Carl are two of the best examples of adventurers at heart I've every seen, and I genuinely wish they had a chance to see the world, even if they didn't actually need to.

Its funny that, Paradise Falls, the place Mr. Fredricksen wants to move to with Ellie; actually sounds more like an retirement home than anything else. Which made me wonder; is Paradise Falls a real place? After a quick Google, search I discovered, IT IS!

Well, kind of. Angel Falls is found in Venezuela and it's the highest uninterrupted waterfall in the world. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and it is incredible. Even more importantly, its going on my Places To Go List.

For more on Angel Falls, go here.
For more Real-Life Locations That Inspired Disney Places, check out this article from
And if you have never seen UP. You should reevaluate what you have been doing with your life and go here immediately.

Any movie places you guys need to go? Let me know in the comments down below.

Sunday, 11 October 2015


The older I get the further in love with my passport I fall. I could entertain myself for more time than is acceptable, just looking at all the stamps, and reminiscing about all the great trips I've been on. I love it, and the more I travel, the more I appreciate it. If I could fill an entire passport I'd die from  pure accomplishment. 

My dad gave me a bunch of old passports, he had laying around when I was younger and I recently went through them. I never met my grandmother on my father's side but I do have her passport. Looking at her photo and reading her name is always a good time. She probably didn't value here passport the way I value mine but it still makes me feel a little closer to her. I know where she went and the photo of her is better than most of the ones I've seen.

With a few decades even the ugliest passport photos become cute. My tips are, keep all old passports, even the ones that don't belong to you. Pay close attention to the stamps in your passport. And if you don't have a passport, get one immediately. Even if you don't really have a need for it. Just have it on hand, you never know when it will become necessary.

So what is your favorite stamp in your passport? Let me know in the comments down below.

Sunday, 27 September 2015


Driving around I noticed a bus stop that really took me by surprise. CoverDrive is a young Barbadian grown band. They've gotten pretty popular in the UK in the last few years but they still always rep Barbados. Its funny seeing familiar faces, even if they aren't faces you know personally, get famous.

None the less, these kids are good. Their music is their own. Lots of different pop, rock and caribbean influences, but it works. Proof that there is a lot of local talent that is internationally competitive. Check out a few of their songs and let me know what's your favorite CoverDrive song.

Wanna hear more? Maybe buy their album? Check them out on iTunes.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Post Crossing

Postcrossing is an online community of people who love sending and receiving postcards. The idea is pretty simple. For every postcard you send, you receive one. Basically its your chance to be penpals with the world.

I found Postcrossing on a dorm notice board. I walked past it for almost a month before I noticed it. But once I started, I was hooked. I love getting mail. Love it. Getting mail from strangers halfway across the world is even better.

Moving back home to the Bim made me a precious commodity. A lot of the people on Postcrossing are trying to collect postcards from around the world. While its easy to get a letter from Germany or USA. There are way less Bajan postcrossers in circulation, so although I'm not open to private swaps I started getting loads of requests from people around the world, asking for some mail. Honestly, I reject the majority of the private requests. But every once in a while, I'll get a special request which I can't deny.

As you can guess a lot of the people on there are travelers, or travelers at heart who haven't had the opportunity. I've gotten cards from some really random places, with some great stories. I got a post card from an Australian lady, who runs a blog, FlyingFishInc. Its great! She makes postcard art and journals her travels. There's even a post of the envelope she sent me.

If you love postcards or you enjoy traveling and are grounded for a while, join Postcrossing. It will help feed your travel bug for a while. And if you want some inspiration to spice up your postcards check out FlyingFishInc.

Happy Postcrossing.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Occupying Yourself On The Subway

Spending time in a city sometimes means having to spend time on the subway. And anyone who has spent time on the subway knows it can be an incredibly awkward situation. Everyone has somewhere to go, and they are trying to do it as fast as possible. Besides that, you are thrown into a confined space with complete randoms. You don't know anything about the people around you other than what you can see, yet you are knee to knee with the person trying not to invade their personal space. On a basic level, you have to judge the people around you even though you are taught not to judge a book by its cover.

So, you are on the tube and you are alone, have no book and your cell phone has no reception. Basically you've got no escape. Now most of your time is spent avoiding eye contact with the people around you. Here's what I like to do to occupy my time. Make up stories about the other people on the train. Some can be elaborate, others can be simple.

For example, I once 'met' a fellow who was recently divorced, on his way to the Central Park to meet his teenage son. He hasn't  been able to connect with his son. Part of him doesn't really like to talk about his past and his time in Afghanistan and he thinks thats part of the problem. But since the divorce, its become a little easier because he appreciates his time with his son more. Its funny because having to be a parent less has made him into a better dad.

Another time, I 'met' a lady who was going home to order pizza. Because pizza is the best.

I like doing this because it takes people watching to the next level. Everyones got a story and even though you may not be able to ask all of them about their's, nothing should stop you from making up your own. And maybe you can actually do something productive with those snap judgements you've been making about everyone on the subway.

What do you like to do on the train, to occupy your time? Any good stories you've made up about total strangers?

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Trip To Asia

I'm leaving for Asia today. It's a massive family trip with everyone; aunts, uncles and cousins. Basically, everyone and their mother. I'm pretty stoked for it, especially since traveling with this much family is going to be an ordeal in itself. Can't wait to see the madness unfurl, even better I get to watch it all go down in Asia.

We are passing though the States then its China, Thailand and finally Bali. I'm ecstatic. I love Barbados but you gotta feed the Travel Bug. I can't even imagine all the new things I'm going to see, eat and experience.

It's weird traveling like this again because a lot of my trips have gotten smaller and smaller. This trip is in the complete opposite direction. This is the most family I've ever traveled with and the travel style is very different from what I've gotten accustomed to. In China, we are going to be bouncing around a few cities. Then in Thailand and Bali it's just my immediate family staying put in hotels. Part of me wishes I was solo; couchsurfing, partying and staying in hostels, but I figure it's good to mix it up.

Anyhow, I'll let you know how it goes. I see a lot of Asia posts in the future, sooner or later (probably later). If you've got any tips for traveling around Asia or dealing with family on massive trips leave them in the comments below, I get the feeling I'll need all the help I can get.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

100 Places of Dance

My best dance move is 'The Sprinkler', so watching this dude bust a move, all over the place is hella  inspiring to me. He started with 100 Days of Dance and upgraded to 100 Places of Dance.

I'm a big fan of Bucket Lists and this guys is doing it right. He's dancing and he's traveling. Generally just winning. From the looks of it, he's all about living life to the fullest and having as much fun as possible which no one should have a problem with.

His Bucket List is extensive. And if his youtube channel is accurate he recently quit his job to travel and cross off a few of those items. Good Luck! Its hard living life to the fullest, and even harder doing it and trying to support yourself through YouTube. So, I say give it a few watches in support.

Check out his YouTube channel at ProjectOneLife.
And his Facebook page here.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Road to Speightstown

This is the first video I've ever made. It's not much but I like it. And I'm definitely going to make more. So comment, like, all that good stuff. Feel free to tell me how I can improve and what else I should do. 

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Learning Mandarin

My family is taking a huge trip to the 'motherland' (China). Most of our families will be spending two weeks traveling from city to city, taking in the scenery, getting in touch with out roots and starting petty arguments. As much as I love my family, regular family lunches are enough. I'm pretty sure my travel zen will be put to the ultimate test on this trip. Regardless, one deep dark secret that has come out of the planning of this trip is that none of us speak 'chinese'. Most of our family is supposed to be cantonese but we don't even know mandarin. Which is part of the reason, collectively, we are the worst 'chinee people' ever.

To rectify this problem some of us decided to at least attempt to learn some mandarin before our trip, in order to resolve our family shame. Unfortunately, we are also poorly organized, so we haven't started classes yet. However, knowing three languages other than English is on my bucket list so I started learning regardless. In walks Rosetta Stone.

Rosetta Stone is a computer based, language learning system. It's expensive but supposed to be very effective. No doubt you've seen an ad for it, or been accosted at the mall by some sales person trying to convince you its better than sliced bread. Since I wasn't really sure how to start learning a foreign language like Mandarin, it seemed like the go-to place to begin. Biting off the hefty price tag is difficult but otherwise so far it seems to be worthwhile.

Except for one thing. I know I'm learning, but I'm not sure HOW I'm learning. Yes, I'm doing all the exercises. Yes, I'm getting them right. And Yes, I'm repeating the lessons I failed. But, how am I understanding them? It feels somewhat like a Jedi mind-trick. Where you look at some photos, repeat some gibberish, then all of a sudden beyond all uncertainty, you are positive that these are not the droids that you are looking for. Some characters are starting to look familiar and some are even starting to sound familiar but its definitely not sentences. And most of the recognition is more of a gut feeling than an actual certainty. Does this equate to understanding a whole other language? Granted I'm not even close to being conversational, but I'm pretty proud of my progress. On the other hand, since most of it is multiple choice, might just be good luck.

I guess only time will tell. If I'm able to engage in small talk without being abducted into the slave trade, I'd consider it money well spent. More than anything I just don't want to call someone a cow and then tell them about their mother.  Then I really will be the worst 'chinee' ever.

How about you guys, what do you do when you are traveling to a country that speaks a foreign language? Have you tried any language systems that actually work? Let me know in the comments down below.

And if you want to try Rosetta Stone, check them out here.
They've got loads of languages, and I think some of the online deals are even better than the ones they are peddling down at the mall. And if this all works out I may even try French next, gotta take advantage of those 2-4-1 deals.

UPDATE: We started and finished the classes. It was pretty sweet learning Mandarin with my family, this trip may not be a total disaster after all. Now we are just gearing up for our trip at the end of the month.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Baubax Travel Jacket

Backpackers are constantly looking for multifunctional items. This jacket takes the cake. It's got features that I would never even think of, or really need; but I want it. Now. It's got:
  • Neck Pillow
  • Eye Mask
  • Drink Pocket
  • Microfiber Cloth
  • Eyeglass Pocket
  • Ipad Pocket
  • Hand Warming Pockets
  • Earphone Holders
  • Phone Pocket
  • Zipper, which is a Stylus and a Pen
  • Passport Pocket
  • Blanket Pocket
  • Gloves
  • and a Portable Charger Pocket
Im One Jacket. Thats like one piece of carry-on by itself. And they come in different styles; Sweatshirt, Windbreaker, Bomber and Blazer. I think its all incredible. Can't decide between getting the Sweatshirt or the Bomber.

I think thats all pretty cool and I'm getting one for sure. If you would like one too check out their kickstarter here. Worse case scenario, you have a cool jacket with a lot of odd pockets. So, which jacket are you going to order?

Update July 27 2016: Although the kickstarter has ended you can now purchase the jacket at

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Crop Over

Kadooment is the carnival we have in Barbados. It is the climax of our Crop Over Season. It's the best. Crop Over happens every year during summer May - August. But Kadooment happens at the beginning of August. Crop Over was originally a festival to celebrate the end of the crop season. But now its mostly a reason to party and ge' on bad.

Everyone is in a great mood because they are all drunk and theres a bunch of new music encouraging you to sweat, drink and ben' over. Which is basically the perfect recipe for a good time. As my calendar goes, Crop Over is in the Top 3 Seasons of The Year.

Everyone is in incredible costumes, again drinking, sweaty and merry. I've never been to Trinidadian or Brazilian Carnival but theres nothing like a Bajan Crop Over. I missed last year because I was in New York, but I'm going to more than make up for it this year.

 Heres a video, one of my friends made of last year's jump. Enjoy. Be jealous. Come out this year.

If you want to keep up-to-date with the Crop Over happenings and goings on, check out the calendar for the season at
The music is one of the most important parts of Crop Over so fill your earholes with the music this year, with this Crop Over Mix. 

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Discover Outdoors

Discover Outdoors is a New York adventure company who organize excursions. They are all about getting outdoors, being active and being adventurous. They've got activities ranging from photography classes in Central Park to African trips to help elephants.

So far I've gone surfing, rock climbing, weekend hikes and even a photography classes. Its a great time, all the hosts I've met so far have been great. One even popped my shoulder back in after I dislocated it. You meet a lot of awesome people and you can have a little adventure right outside the city. Being able to do these trips and get away from the city was a life saver for me. If I couldn't escape the concrete jungle I'd probably have gone crazy.

Even better they do charity work getting city kids active and outdoors. So by supporting them, you  might get a little good karma coming your way. Better yet, if you become a member you get returns on any trips you book for trips later on. Everybody wins. If you live in New York or just visiting and looking for a good time upstate, check them out at Discover Outdoors.

Sunday, 28 June 2015

The Point of Travel

One of my travel-guru friends posted this video on Facebook. Honestly, I didn't expect it to be so insightful. I think everyone here has figured out, I love travel but when thinking about 'The Point of Travel' it usually doesn't get that insightful.

Preaching that traveling makes you a better person isn't new but the idea of it being therapy is very interesting to me. Figuring out where to go is always daunting since the world is so big and choosing to go to one place means you have to trade going somewhere else. But deciding to go somewhere that may change the perspective of your problems specifically, well, thats worth the travel expenses.

Meanwhile, there is a business plan within this video. Imagine the amount of people that would start using travel agents again if they were able to diagnose and treat mental illness with travel instead of drugs. Better yet the amount of people that may actually start healing.

I think most people who travel are either looking for something or running from something. Ultimately, The Point of Travel is to become a better person. Be a conscious traveler, and mindful of what you are hoping to gain from your travels. For example, come to Barbados for a fantastic tan.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

Skydiving in Sydney

Skydiving is #5 on my Bucket List. I decided to just go for it while in Australia, and it was one of the best decisions I've made so far. I've never been afraid of heights but on an abseiling trip,  for the first time I understood why someone would be scared shitless of plummeting to the earth.

That being said I booked skydiving and refused to think about it until the time of action, for fear of not following through. And I did well, didn't think about it until the moment I was pushed out of the plane by someone I met 20 minutes before. Bet in the video you can see the exact moment I realized this was probably a bad idea.

Skydiving is addictive though. I wanted to do it again immediately. One of the best experiences I've ever had and I will be doing it again, and again, until it stops being fun, but I doubt jumping out of a plane will never not be at least a little bit fun.

How about you guys, what scary things have you done that you realized halfway through was probably a bad idea, but in the end couldn't live without?

If you are ever in Australia looking to jump out of a plane look up Sydney Skydivers. I had a great time with them and I didn't die, which is always a plus.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Travel Music (George Ezra - Wanted on Voyage)

George's album 'Wanted on Voyage' could be the only travel buddy you need on your next trip. I discovered his album on a particularly grueling flight from Sydney to New York. I had just finished my fourth movie and I was looking for something different. Luckily, they were advertising Ezra as a featured artist and I knew the song 'Budapest' from before, so I bit.

On the first listening, he managed to sing me to sleep. Which was appreciated since I'd given up on sleep after two sleeping pills and no effect. But on the second listen, I'd found a travel brother. Listening to him was like having a conversation with another traveler, where you don't have the same experience but you know exactly where they are coming from. Its that traveling communality that binds us all.

According to the commercial, George wrote most of the album while he was traveling. It shows. Name dropping all over the album; Amsterdam, Budapest, Barcelona, he's not shy about letting you know his passport is pretty active. But more than that, its the experiences he talks about, the randomness of the encounters. That are profound but ultimately fleeting. Everyone can relate but travelers are the ones that really understand.

If you are traveling remember to load him onto your iTunes: George Ezra iTunes

And if you want another sample:

Sunday, 31 May 2015

High On Life

These guys know how to travel. Like I've said before Travelers Are The Best People In The World. Trekking across the planet, seeing new things is always a good idea.

This video just makes me want to jump into another adventure. They have a great message about how your mindset is the most important thing, traveling or not. And living in the moment is vital to fully experiencing something. It's an epic journey and I hope I can make a video like that in three years.

These guys definitely know how to have a good time, check out more at their Facebook Page.
Even better, if you have to buy a shirt you might as well support the travel addiction,

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Losing Your Bag When Traveling

Your bag being misplaced on vacation may seem like the worse case scenario but you can live through it, without completely ruining your vacation. First of all, some planning before hand is really helpful. If you act as though you could loose your bag at any moment then you are already off to a good start.

1. Pack whatever you have with the bare essentials. For me that's a shirt, underwear and a toothbrush. For some that may be more, for others less, whatever you need to stay clean and happy. Personally as long as I'm still able to brush my teeth I'm pretty happy.

2. Make sure you keep at least a little of your money separate. Always have access to some sort of funds always. I'm never that worried once I know I can purchase whatever I need. Money can't make you happy (apparently) but it's one hell of a consolation prize.

3. Buy travel insurance. Insurance is one of those things you don't need until you need it. But the truth is when you are abroad anything can happen and unlike home you don't have a safety net. Travel insurance won't solve everything but you only really need something to go wrong once and you will never forget to purchase it again. It also helps to have peace of mind.

4. Make sure you are easily accessible to the airline. Them knowing where you are and a local phone number to call is crucial. It makes it possible for some good karma to come your way and possibly get your stuff back. But if you don’t, they aren't going to be able to help you out.

Sunday, 10 May 2015

How To Travel The World With Almost No Money (TEDx Video)

Traveling does not have to be expensive. There are many ways to make it pretty cheap. This guy has got some great tips for traveling on a budget. I haven't tried all of these but I'm definitely an advocate for Couchsurfing and some of the other money saving tips.

Like he says this type of travel isn't for everyone, but it is an option. Most people think of travel as a lovely vacation where you stay in a plush hotel, having extravagant meals and partaking in lavish shopping trips. But travel can be fun without being incredibly expensive. You just have to be willing.

When I was young, traveling with my parents was great but now that I have to finance myself I've made a lot of concessions. Many of my trips now aren't very extravagant, but thats all part of the charm. Truth be told my standard of living drops significantly when I travel now, but I enjoy making ends meet and the absurdity of some of the situations I need to get myself out of. Yes, I do enjoy going to nice restaurants, but I also enjoy making my own meals while on the road.

How about you guys, do you think you can travel spending as little money as possible?

Sunday, 3 May 2015

River Bay

River Bay is my favorite place in Barbados. Its highly underrated as a tourist attraction but for me its spectacular. It's located on the Northern tip of the island, and the water from the Atlantic is not particularly good for sea bathing. However, there is a bay where the water is significantly calmer where you can splash around in the shallows.

The best part is the cliff. You can climb up and watch the ocean. The water is wild and untamed and that is incredibly relaxing. Something about staring into the Atlantic, while the sea-breeze hits you in the face is just magical. When you go make sure to pack some snacks, your camera and shoes that are good for the small hike up the cliff, its definitely worth it.

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Learn to Travel - Travel to Learn (TEDx Video)

Traveling itself can be a teacher. But since everyone's experience is different, everyone learns something different. The best part, is most people's lessons come with great stories. I loved hearing what this guy has learnt from all his travels.

Its interesting that I've learnt similar things but my lessons were very different. You never know what you can learn from just displacing yourself.

How about you guys? What has traveling taught you?

Sunday, 12 April 2015

My Holy Travel Three

When I'm traveling there are three things I need more than anything else;
My Wallet
My Passport and
My Cellphone.

Once I have these three, I know I can handle any situation. Lost luggage? Pull out my wallet and buy new clothes. Lost? It's fine, my phone has GPS. Think I'm a terrorist? It's fine, take a look at my passport, I'm friendly.

As bare necessities go, these three are it for me. The ability to buy whatever I need (even on credit), a device that connects me to the rest of the world and proof of who I am, are all I need to feel safe. It might not seem like a lot but every time I do the check and they are all there, it gives me a reason to smile.

Sometimes when you are traveling you don't have a lot of security. You may not know the next place you will eat, where you will sleep or if you can trust the people around you. But with the Holy Travel Three, I know I can handle it.

How about you guys, what things must you have in order to feel safe when traveling?

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Being A Baby Couchsurfing Host is a community of travelers giving each other places to stay around the world. There are two main roles: Couchsurfer and Host. Couchsurfers are travelers looking for a place to spend a few nights in a foreign land and Hosts are the locals willing to share their homes with these travelers.

I joined couchsurfing because I know its another cheap way to travel and I figured before I take from the community I should probably give back. So far, I’ve hosted twice and it has been a seriously eye opening experience.

First of all, it confirmed something I suspected for a long time; travelers are the best people in the world. I’ve been lucky because the people that have stayed with me have been polite, low maintenance and just generally awesome. But more than that they were just genuinely nice, down to earth people who are so appreciative, its humbling. They have this infectious happiness that just really makes you want to pack a bag and join them on their travels.

Moreover they help you to gain a different perspective on your life. As guests they see your world from a very different vantage point and that helps you to remember that things you take for granted, like having a shower, are special. 

Better yet because you are hosting someone in your house, you do your best to make them feel comfortable. This made me feel like a better person because I was helping someone else and its good to be on your best behavior. Helps you to remember what being a civilized person is all about.

Opening your home and meeting people through this society has been an awesome experience. I can’t wait to see what its like playing the role of a guest, and hopefully I can contribute more to this network of ‘the best people in the world’.

Interested in joining the community? Check it out at 

And check out one of my couchsurfers blogs at (I’m even in her post on Barbados)