is a community of travelers giving each other places to stay around the world. There are two main roles: Couchsurfer and Host. Couchsurfers are travelers looking for a place to spend a few nights in a foreign land and Hosts are the locals willing to share their homes with these travelers.
I joined couchsurfing because I know its another cheap way to travel and I figured before I take from the community I should probably give back. So far, I’ve hosted twice and it has been a seriously eye opening experience.
First of all, it confirmed something I suspected for a long time; travelers are the best people in the world. I’ve been lucky because the people that have stayed with me have been polite, low maintenance and just generally awesome. But more than that they were just genuinely nice, down to earth people who are so appreciative, its humbling. They have this infectious happiness that just really makes you want to pack a bag and join them on their travels.
Moreover they help you to gain a different perspective on your life. As guests they see your world from a very different vantage point and that helps you to remember that things you take for granted, like having a shower, are special.
Better yet because you are hosting someone in your house, you do your best to make them feel comfortable. This made me feel like a better person because I was helping someone else and its good to be on your best behavior. Helps you to remember what being a civilized person is all about.
Opening your home and meeting people through this society has been an awesome experience. I can’t wait to see what its like playing the role of a guest, and hopefully I can contribute more to this network of ‘the best people in the world’.
Interested in joining the community? Check it out at
And check out one of my couchsurfers blogs at (I’m even in her post on Barbados)