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Sunday 30 October 2016


We are trying new things here. I think if you watch the video it explains most of the reasons why I'm doing this. Let's see where this goes. Thanks for watching, and let me know what you think in the comments below.

Sunday 23 October 2016

L' Oliveraie Restaurant: Marseille, France

Visiting France is all about the food. We have all heard about french technique and how good french food is, but have you ever eaten this mythical french food that everyone is raving about? It stands to reason that if you want good french food, a good place to start is in France. The minute we got to Marseille I could understand why it was famous. It's breathtaking. However, I had a mission to eat, and there was no room for failure.

Walking around the port we unsuspecting found an incredibly beautiful little restaurant, that forced us to stop. To be honest I wasn't sure of the name at first but looking at the menu I was certain there was a good time to be had there, plus the set menu came with wine. You couldn't go wrong with that.

My parents aren't exactly the biggest fans of European food. However the food here was undeniably good. There were not subtle flavors. Everything was bold to the point of feeling like an assault on your tastebuds. However, by that time the dish is done and you are wishing for more. Almost, like a culinary Stockholm Syndrome. The best part of eating here was that I felt as though the ingredients were good, but that wasn't the reason the food was amazing. It was in fact the cooking. Someone in that kitchen knew what they were doing. They were looking to take hostages. They wanted to make love in your mouth. Developing flavor is no easy task, however at L' Oliveraie it seemed like effortless art.

This experience was enlightening because it made me truly understand the notoriety of French Food. Good ingredients but better technique. It is how you use those ingredients to carry the products to the next level, to make a cuisine.

If you want to visit this incredibly underrated restaurant while in Marseille, check out there TripAdvisor page. And let me know where you would like to travel just to eat the food, in the comments below.

Sunday 16 October 2016

New Logo

I've introduced this new logo a few other places, but I'm finally putting it here. We are getting legit guys. Hope you like it. Let me know what you think of our new logo. 

Sunday 9 October 2016

Chasing Rainbows

Right place, right time. Happened to be filming what a rainbow magically appeared. Thought I would share it with you guys. Enjoy.