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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Learn to Travel - Travel to Learn (TEDx Video)

Traveling itself can be a teacher. But since everyone's experience is different, everyone learns something different. The best part, is most people's lessons come with great stories. I loved hearing what this guy has learnt from all his travels.

Its interesting that I've learnt similar things but my lessons were very different. You never know what you can learn from just displacing yourself.

How about you guys? What has traveling taught you?

Sunday, 12 April 2015

My Holy Travel Three

When I'm traveling there are three things I need more than anything else;
My Wallet
My Passport and
My Cellphone.

Once I have these three, I know I can handle any situation. Lost luggage? Pull out my wallet and buy new clothes. Lost? It's fine, my phone has GPS. Think I'm a terrorist? It's fine, take a look at my passport, I'm friendly.

As bare necessities go, these three are it for me. The ability to buy whatever I need (even on credit), a device that connects me to the rest of the world and proof of who I am, are all I need to feel safe. It might not seem like a lot but every time I do the check and they are all there, it gives me a reason to smile.

Sometimes when you are traveling you don't have a lot of security. You may not know the next place you will eat, where you will sleep or if you can trust the people around you. But with the Holy Travel Three, I know I can handle it.

How about you guys, what things must you have in order to feel safe when traveling?