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Sunday, 27 November 2016

The Asian Squat: To Do or Not to Doo?

The Asian Squat is a full squat with your feet firmly planted on the ground, no tip toes. It may not seem like a big deal, but traveling to Asia has definitely opened my mind to this position. Mostly because it seems like everyone in Asia is doing it. The smallest of children to the oldest of adults, while playing, eating and everything in between.

The reason why it stuck out to me so much is because they seem so comfortable, almost as if they've lived their entire lives in that position. Its natural. Meanwhile when I tried to copy, my legs hurt and it felt incredibly unnatural to not pop onto my toes (More proof that I'm one of the worst Asians ever). But now I can comfortably stay in that position for like 5 mins. Win.

They say when you are in that position its easier to poop. Which brings me to chinese toilets. I haven't experienced this since I've been in thailand. Maybe because I've been going to all the right places. But chinese toilets are basically just porcelain holes in the ground, which you asian squat over to use. They say this opens up your bowels so you are able to use the bathroom better, but whatever help it does to my bowels, I'm pretty sure it would ruin me mentally. Regardless, the asian squat is a funny little cultural thing, gotta appreciate the little things. Also I have a theory that it might be the reason a lot of Asians have nice big calves.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Brooklyn: The Movie

Brooklyn is a love letter to culture shock. Whenever you move, there's going to be at least one moment where you ask yourself, "Why did I ever come here? Life was good at home, why did you have to spit on that and move to this godforsaken place?" Well maybe not those exact thoughts but something along those lines. "Brooklyn" allows you to have those thoughts without feeling guilty in an lovely 1950's throwback.

Ellis is young Irish girl who doesn't seem to be living up to here potential. She's smart and beautiful but she's working in a dead-end job with no significant other to share her life with (Sounds familiar?). So her sister arranges for her to move to 'New York' and see what opportunities await in the New World. But she isn't moving to New York, she's moving to Brooklyn.

Ellis goes through all the motions most of us travelers go through. Excitement, dismay and eventually  happiness. Moving to a new place is hard. Especially, when you have no safety net and are boarding with a bunch of peculiar characters. But like most of us, Ellis finds a way to survive and even flourish. 

That could have been the end of the movie. But why this film is interesting is because it also shows you reverse culture shock. A little bit of when you go back home and realize you may in fact never really be able to go home. Or maybe you can but you have somewhere better to be.

Watch this movie when you are homesick. Or on the road going through the tough of it. It helps to remember these things happen. Its part of the journey, but where you are going is worth it.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Reddit Gifts: Secret Santa 2016

Sign up for RedditGifts: Secret Santa has begun and you should really jump on this bandwagon. As you may already know, I love mail and sending it around the world. Secret Santa is a game changer. I think the older everyone gets the more Christmas looses its magic. Most of us have what we need and can afford most of the things that we want. But getting a gift from some random person around the world spices up the whole situation and kind of gives it back some of its magic.

Also, its nice putting some thought into giving a gift to a person you don't know. Gift giving can be hard because again, most of your friends have everything they want and need, and can afford anything you can get them. However, in this case it really is the thought that counts. It does't matter what you get them because it comes from am anonymous stranger and if they don't like it, you will never have to deal with passive aggressive comments.

I know its still November and I don't mean to be one of those overzealous Christmas maniacs but sign up ends 29th of November so if you want to, the time is now. Sign up here. Leave a comment below if you have ever done a Secret Santa before and what you got. Merry Christmas!... too soon?