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Sunday, 19 February 2017

The City Scale

Every city is different and unique so it is difficult to judge them against each other. However, we all know that judging is what we do best and with judging there has to be competition. I write about my favorite cities but theres nothing real to back it up. To help me remedy this problem I've come up with some criteria to judge each city. They are:

1. The People and Culture
The people are what make the city. Are they friendly? Are they crazy? Do they take enough showers? The entire Human Resource of a country will be covered in this category. Closely linked to 'The People' is the culture. I've found that in several cities theres a definitely lack of an identity while in some cities thats the only thing going for them. But the real question is, 'Is it a culture which you want to experience?' 

2. Things To Do
The next thing is the attractions. This might not necessarily be just touristy things but really how active can you be. Even better, are the things to do worthwhile. There are loads of places that advertise many things to do, but the reality is they lack excitement and value.

3. Transportation
Getting around is an important factor in any place you go. Accessibility is key. There may be loads of things to do but lets face it, if you can't  get to any of them, then it is a big dud.

4. The Food
Undeniably one of the most important factors for me is access to good food. If cup-o-noodles is constantly on the menu because I simply don't trust anything else. Well then there is an issue.

5. Standouts
Last but not least, we have 'The Standouts'. There are many cities where there are several aspects that don't make sense but there is a unique factor which makes up for everything. This is where we will account for that. Whether, these are negative or positive factors, we will discuss them here.

Every category will get a score out of 5. Then we will tally up the marks and rank the cities accordingly. So what do you think of the scale? Do you think I missed anything? Let me know in the comments below. May the odds be ever in your favor.

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