When you visit Phuket you have to go to the Upside Down House. There's loads of things to do here and you can make one of these awesome videos for yourself.
This is a simple travel blog from a Bajan guy who loves seeing the world. Sharing travel ideas that pop up along the way, trying to find different ways to connect with the world. Currently living in Switzerland.
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Sunday, 18 December 2016
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Pokemon Go: Awesome TravelApp
There was a lot of buzz recently about PokemonGo and its massively successful launch. Personally I see it as an incredible TravelApp more than anything else. You may not think of Pokemon Go as a travel app, but I think it may just be one of the most innovative ones out there right now.
1 - It rewards you for travel (walking). It helps you maximize the time spent traveling, and I'm always looking for things I can benefit from while on the road. Also it documents the location where you got a Pokemon. So you kind of have a cool memento of that place when you get awesome Pokemon there.
2 - It touches on a piece of nostalgia I never thought I would reconnect with. I loved Pokemon when I was younger and I know anyone born around that time had the same experience. Collecting the cards, watching the show, playing the games, there was always something Pokemon related to do. This helps me feel like I didn't waste my youth. Although in reality I'm probably just wasting my 20's too. Hell at least its been a fun ride.
3 - It has a map. Instead of just looking at Google maps you can be looking for Pokestops and Gyms. Plus it's a map so once you have an idea of where you are going you shouldn't get too lost.
4 - Its just entertaining as hell. One of my new favorite feelings is the moment after a Pokeball stops shaking and I know I've officially caught that sucker. Win.
5 - Its super social. Anyone else who plays knows how addictive it can be. It helps to have someone to go walking with when you are looking for Pokemon and Pokestops to raid. When you get too a Pokestop with a lure and you see a bunch of people with their eyes glued to their phones it almost makes you want to scream, "These are my PEOPLE."
But those are just my thoughts on this new fad as a traveler. What do you think? Better yet, what games do you play when you are traveling?
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Sunday, 27 November 2016
The Asian Squat: To Do or Not to Doo?
The Asian Squat is a full squat with your feet firmly planted on the ground, no tip toes. It may not seem like a big deal, but traveling to Asia has definitely opened my mind to this position. Mostly because it seems like everyone in Asia is doing it. The smallest of children to the oldest of adults, while playing, eating and everything in between.
The reason why it stuck out to me so much is because they seem so comfortable, almost as if they've lived their entire lives in that position. Its natural. Meanwhile when I tried to copy, my legs hurt and it felt incredibly unnatural to not pop onto my toes (More proof that I'm one of the worst Asians ever). But now I can comfortably stay in that position for like 5 mins. Win.
They say when you are in that position its easier to poop. Which brings me to chinese toilets. I haven't experienced this since I've been in thailand. Maybe because I've been going to all the right places. But chinese toilets are basically just porcelain holes in the ground, which you asian squat over to use. They say this opens up your bowels so you are able to use the bathroom better, but whatever help it does to my bowels, I'm pretty sure it would ruin me mentally. Regardless, the asian squat is a funny little cultural thing, gotta appreciate the little things. Also I have a theory that it might be the reason a lot of Asians have nice big calves.
The reason why it stuck out to me so much is because they seem so comfortable, almost as if they've lived their entire lives in that position. Its natural. Meanwhile when I tried to copy, my legs hurt and it felt incredibly unnatural to not pop onto my toes (More proof that I'm one of the worst Asians ever). But now I can comfortably stay in that position for like 5 mins. Win.
They say when you are in that position its easier to poop. Which brings me to chinese toilets. I haven't experienced this since I've been in thailand. Maybe because I've been going to all the right places. But chinese toilets are basically just porcelain holes in the ground, which you asian squat over to use. They say this opens up your bowels so you are able to use the bathroom better, but whatever help it does to my bowels, I'm pretty sure it would ruin me mentally. Regardless, the asian squat is a funny little cultural thing, gotta appreciate the little things. Also I have a theory that it might be the reason a lot of Asians have nice big calves.
Sunday, 20 November 2016
Brooklyn: The Movie
Brooklyn is a love letter to culture shock. Whenever you move, there's going to be at least one moment where you ask yourself, "Why did I ever come here? Life was good at home, why did you have to spit on that and move to this godforsaken place?" Well maybe not those exact thoughts but something along those lines. "Brooklyn" allows you to have those thoughts without feeling guilty in an lovely 1950's throwback.
Ellis is young Irish girl who doesn't seem to be living up to here potential. She's smart and beautiful but she's working in a dead-end job with no significant other to share her life with (Sounds familiar?). So her sister arranges for her to move to 'New York' and see what opportunities await in the New World. But she isn't moving to New York, she's moving to Brooklyn.
Ellis goes through all the motions most of us travelers go through. Excitement, dismay and eventually happiness. Moving to a new place is hard. Especially, when you have no safety net and are boarding with a bunch of peculiar characters. But like most of us, Ellis finds a way to survive and even flourish.
That could have been the end of the movie. But why this film is interesting is because it also shows you reverse culture shock. A little bit of when you go back home and realize you may in fact never really be able to go home. Or maybe you can but you have somewhere better to be.
Watch this movie when you are homesick. Or on the road going through the tough of it. It helps to remember these things happen. Its part of the journey, but where you are going is worth it.
Sunday, 13 November 2016
Reddit Gifts: Secret Santa 2016
Sign up for RedditGifts: Secret Santa has begun and you should really jump on this bandwagon. As you may already know, I love mail and sending it around the world. Secret Santa is a game changer. I think the older everyone gets the more Christmas looses its magic. Most of us have what we need and can afford most of the things that we want. But getting a gift from some random person around the world spices up the whole situation and kind of gives it back some of its magic.
Also, its nice putting some thought into giving a gift to a person you don't know. Gift giving can be hard because again, most of your friends have everything they want and need, and can afford anything you can get them. However, in this case it really is the thought that counts. It does't matter what you get them because it comes from am anonymous stranger and if they don't like it, you will never have to deal with passive aggressive comments.
I know its still November and I don't mean to be one of those overzealous Christmas maniacs but sign up ends 29th of November so if you want to, the time is now. Sign up here. Leave a comment below if you have ever done a Secret Santa before and what you got. Merry Christmas!... too soon?
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Sunday, 30 October 2016
We are trying new things here. I think if you watch the video it explains most of the reasons why I'm doing this. Let's see where this goes. Thanks for watching, and let me know what you think in the comments below.
Sunday, 23 October 2016
L' Oliveraie Restaurant: Marseille, France
Visiting France is all about the food. We have all heard about french technique and how good french food is, but have you ever eaten this mythical french food that everyone is raving about? It stands to reason that if you want good french food, a good place to start is in France. The minute we got to Marseille I could understand why it was famous. It's breathtaking. However, I had a mission to eat, and there was no room for failure.
Walking around the port we unsuspecting found an incredibly beautiful little restaurant, that forced us to stop. To be honest I wasn't sure of the name at first but looking at the menu I was certain there was a good time to be had there, plus the set menu came with wine. You couldn't go wrong with that.
My parents aren't exactly the biggest fans of European food. However the food here was undeniably good. There were not subtle flavors. Everything was bold to the point of feeling like an assault on your tastebuds. However, by that time the dish is done and you are wishing for more. Almost, like a culinary Stockholm Syndrome. The best part of eating here was that I felt as though the ingredients were good, but that wasn't the reason the food was amazing. It was in fact the cooking. Someone in that kitchen knew what they were doing. They were looking to take hostages. They wanted to make love in your mouth. Developing flavor is no easy task, however at L' Oliveraie it seemed like effortless art.
This experience was enlightening because it made me truly understand the notoriety of French Food. Good ingredients but better technique. It is how you use those ingredients to carry the products to the next level, to make a cuisine.
If you want to visit this incredibly underrated restaurant while in Marseille, check out there TripAdvisor page. And let me know where you would like to travel just to eat the food, in the comments below.
If you want to visit this incredibly underrated restaurant while in Marseille, check out there TripAdvisor page. And let me know where you would like to travel just to eat the food, in the comments below.
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Sunday, 9 October 2016
Chasing Rainbows
Right place, right time. Happened to be filming what a rainbow magically appeared. Thought I would share it with you guys. Enjoy.
Sunday, 2 October 2016
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Chasing Cover Drive
Cover Drive is back! They didn't actually go anywhere but they started doing a weekly YouTube show called Chasing Cover Drive. It's basically a reality tv show that follows the band around while they are on tour, getting into hilarious misadventures.
Amanda, Bar-man, T-Ray and Jamar are working their way through the music industry and we get to be a part of their journey. What's special about their story is that it feels completely organic. Their fans love them and they love their fans. There is real passion here, and that translates into a level of authenticity that is delightful. Plus, it helps that Amanda, throws shade like nobody's business and the guys take real pleasure in torturing her poor soul.
If you haven't already seen an episode, I demand that you stop what you are doing and immediately start watching from the beginning. Chasing Cover Drive is more entertaining than half of the reality tv out there and the music is better than the other half.
If you want to check out the first article I did on this talented Bajan band, check it out here. Then leave a comment below of the funniest moments in the show.
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Hitch The World: The Chronicles of Patrick Joseph Falterman II

A friend of mine posted a comic strip by Things in Squares on my Facebook page which had a lot of insightful things to say about travel. It was the story of Patrick Joseph Falterman. Basically, there was this dude, living in Texas and he wanted to see the Amazon. So, he did.
It may not seem like a lot, but taking that leap can be a pretty horrifying experience. Luckily, this gentleman's journey was epic. On his site, hitchtheworld.com, you can find archives of his travels. Reading through them, he articulates things that I've felt, but have never been able to put into words. He perfectly expresses the need to get away and writes about all the hits and misses that come with that need. Something, which I find incredibly difficult to explain to people, especially if they've never felt it. For some, travel isn't just a thing you do because you have vacation time. For some, its a thing that lives inside, that can make you miserable if you don't listen to it, but can also bring you more joy than you ever expected.
I never got a chance to meet Patrick but I'd like to think that if we met on the road, we'd hang out for a couple of weeks. Reading about his trips, reminded me that while this may not be 'normal' there are other people out there doing the same thing. Some in way more extreme circumstances. Not everyone may be a nomad, but everyone should have the zest for life this guy did.
Please check out Patricks website, hitchtheworld.com. There's loads of great travel stories and advice that would be a shame to go to waste.
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Working On Your Blog While Traveling
Traveling should be about being in the moment. Experiencing things wholeheartedly so that you are able to maximize the journey you are on. But how do you balance that with work? I've found that when I'm traveling although I'm inspired, the last thing I want to do is work. My reasoning is, I should be able to work because I have free time. I should be able to give the blog the attention I can't while I'm working a regular job. However, working kills the adventure.
The problem I'm facing, which I know most people struggle with is, that elusive work and life balance. How do you get the rest you need while still being productive in a meaningful way? Thinking about it, it's a catch-22. Writing about the amazing experiences I'm having, stops me f
rom fully experiencing them. It takes you out of the experience itself and forces you to see it as a marketable commodity.
rom fully experiencing them. It takes you out of the experience itself and forces you to see it as a marketable commodity.
The reality is blogging is hard work. Any job is hard work, especially if you are trying to be good at it (even more so if you aren't being paid). It requires a lot of time and effort which are limited when you are only in a location for a couple of days. It takes a lot of time sitting down and writing a post and believe it takes even more effort to force yourself out of a comfy bed after a long night out to open your computer and stare at the screen begging for words, photos and videos to materialize. Personally, this blog came out of a need to use my travel experiences and thoughts. I've done some things and I needed to share them even if it is just being launched into cyber space without a paddle.
I think the moral of this story is; work is hard, travel is great and balancing the two is damn near impossible. But if this is the path that you have decided to take, its also necessary. So have fun when there is fun to be had and try to make the best of those necessary lulls in action, like an eight hour flight to China. What do you think? Have any tips on how to blog while you traveling?
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Sunday, 28 August 2016
The View From The Balcony
Another time lapse video from Barbados. I still have to learn how to make better use of these short clips I've recorded. But this is what I have so far. Enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments below.
Sunday, 21 August 2016
High on Life: Great American Road Trip
The High on Life guys are back it again! Sometimes it feels like all I do here is repost the awesome things these guys do, but they do way too many things for me to not mention it here. This time they are doing something which I've talked with one of my best friends about doing for years - The Great American Road Trip.
Growing up somewhere that is water locked, I've always envied people who are able to get in a car, drive for a few hours and be somewhere completely different. Traveling doesn't have to be about getting on a plane. Get in your car and drive. Get in a bus. A train. Walk. Just go.
Also, if you want to check the guys out in Barbados, go here. Then, if you want to see the video that started my love affair with them, go here.
*Update* As of posting this The Great American Road Trip has been cut short due to some of The High On Life guy's stunts. I doubt these guys meant any harm, but as travelers its important we respect the laws of the lands we are traveling. Good luck to these guys and if you would like to read more about this predicament, click here.
Also, if you want to check the guys out in Barbados, go here. Then, if you want to see the video that started my love affair with them, go here.
*Update* As of posting this The Great American Road Trip has been cut short due to some of The High On Life guy's stunts. I doubt these guys meant any harm, but as travelers its important we respect the laws of the lands we are traveling. Good luck to these guys and if you would like to read more about this predicament, click here.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
I think I'm in love. I'm vibing with this city like there is no tomorrow. Sitting in a corner cafe writing, drinking a beer while a skate competition happens behind me and a bunch of people walk on by.
Granted I haven't been here very long and I am barely here long enough to say I've experienced life in Barcelona, but its a fantastic first date. I want to come back here. I am definitely going to come back.
The guys style is shirts, shorts and loafers and I can definitely get down with that. The more I travel the more undeniable it becomes. I fit in with Spanish cultures, maybe its the brown skin or the Caribbean thing but I'm so comfortable and happy in Spanish cultures it is crazy. Now I need to learn more of the language so that we can actually have conversations. Until then I will be a silent admirer. Loving what I see unable to interact.
Now I'm sitting in the marina, chill in the grass with my shoes off. Life doesn't get much better than this.
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Achieving A Caribbean Cuisine Michelin Star With Chef Howard
A quick scroll through his Instagram, and your mouth will water. Chef Howard's plating is impeccable. With a true talent for color, he creates fascinating visuals which elevates the food into works of art. By reading the descriptions to these wonderful creations, it is obvious that highlighting seafood and common Caribbean ingredients is of the utmost importance.
As lovely as this all sounds, you have a part to play. Chef Jason Howard may have the skills and the vision but its our job to ensure this dream becomes a reality. He has started a gofundme campaign to help fund this endeavor and it is our responsibility to make this happen. This restaurant will be an incredible accomplishment for the Caribbean, showing Caribbean talent at the highest level. Please support this ambitious undertaking here. Even if you can't give financially, share to raise awareness. Chef Howard's ambition needs to be a fulfilled.
Sunday, 24 July 2016
The Great Wall Of China
The Great Wall of China is one of the world's best known tourist attractions. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New 7 Wonders of the World. You can't actually see it from the Moon, which is kind of a downer but the amount of crazy facts about The Wall, its not surprising that some of them aren't true.
I climbed The Wall with my family in the rain. The conditions weren't very friendly but it didn't matter. There is something very majestic about seeing the wall even in less than ideal conditions. There are a lot of things in life that don't life up to expectations, fortunately the Great Wall of China isn't one of those things.
I wasn't excited to go to the Great Wall. However being there was thrilling. I felt accomplishment from just being there. Climbing up was difficult and I felt proud for being able to conquer it but it was more than that. Looking down and seeing the snake like structure winding over the hills fill me with a sense of joy. Seeing this immense structure stand the test of time was incredibly satisfying. It made me feel like I could do almost anything. And it helped to be experiencing it with my family. I don't think I could have anticipated how being on that wall made me fell. But if I could have, I would probably have done it ages ago.
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Simple Plan - Summer Paradise ft. Sean Paul
Did you know this music video was filmed in Barbados? Well it was, and its awesome. Its called Summer Paradise because it is. Simple Plan and Sean Paul both visit the island a lot so its only fitting they got inspired to make sweet sweet music.
The video fits the music perfectly. Best listened to relaxing on a boat, or laying out on the sand. Book your tickets now.
But if you can't leave for Bim now, better buy the song and listen to it on repeat.
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Moving to Thailand
I visited Bangkok, Thailand a few years ago with my family on our small tour of Asia and I loved it. At no point did I consider that I could be moving here for a couple of months.
This time I am in Phuket. It is very different. Small town feel, actually reminds me a lot of Trinidad. When I came in, it was raining but it was beautifully lush. Here's hoping that I love it as much when I am leaving.
Much like my other moves, moving here kind of just fell into my lap. As part of my masters, I have to do a mandatory internship. Luckily for me, I got an opportunity with a property that I loved from the moment I saw it. An incredible opportunity, at an amazing property in freaking Thailand! What more could I ask for?
I have to preach, when you keep yourself open to opportunities, anything can happen. For now I am back on the shore. Even if it is a completely different one from the one I am accustomed to.
Sunday, 3 July 2016
Sunday, 26 June 2016
Leaving Switzerland
Moving here was a incredibly unlikely move for me. When I first started researching schools, The Swiss Hospitality Management School (SHMS) was by far the most unrealistic choice. It was far away, it was expensive, it was in a country I'd never been to, it was just too nice. The problem is when I get crazy ideas, sometimes they happen. Its a blessing and a curse really. (Read more about my experience moving to Switzerland here.)
Luckily, hindsight is 20/20 and now that its all done, I still can't believe was has gone down here. Seriously, how did I move to Switzerland and do my masters? I was present every step of the way but I always expect something to happen that brings everything to a screeching halt. But it never happened. Everything just worked itself out, for better or worse, I'm still here.
I knew getting into this I never wanted to live in Switzerland forever, but it will always have a special place in my heart. I wondered if I could live somewhere that wasn't an island. Somewhere that was completely unlike what I'm accustomed to. And I realized, in the mountains, that it is possible. While this experience has taught me that I can't do everything, it has also made me realize, I can survive more than I thought.
Now I'm getting ready to leave this immaculately beautiful country and all I can think to myself is, I hope I can learn as much somewhere else. Switzerland, you've given me so much and I can't thank you enough. I probably won't see you any time soon but that doesn't mean I can't take you with me everywhere I go.
Tell me about your experiences leaving somewhere you never expected to go. Or better yet, what crazy ideas have you had that just seemed to work themselves out?
Extraordinary Place,
Sunday, 19 June 2016
Why You Should Travel With Your Dad
Traveling with your dad can seem like a horrible idea when you are old enough to travel on your own. Why would you want to travel with your parents when you have the freedom to do it by yourself? However, I've found that there are certain benefits to traveling with your dad which you should consider next time you want to take a weekend getaway, and why you should shoot your old fella an invite.
Dads Pay For Stuff - Lets face it while most of these reasons won't have monetary values, this one does. Traveling in groups saves money and when you are traveling with someone who might pick up the check more often, it doesn't hurt. Its not the only reason to travel with Pop's but it definitely doesn't hurt.
Quality Time - The day to day with your parents makes you forget the little things. While when you travel, you grow to appreciate the little things. Things that you may miss everyday become special again, partially because they are special, partially because you are able to see them through a different lens.
Getting to Know Them - Unfortunately our parents get older. You may not notice it everyday and you may want to deny it, but its true. They won't be here forever, so take some time and go somewhere you can see them in a different light. Talk. Ask questions. Tell stories, even the ones you know already. You would be surprised the things you forget over time. And you would be surprised the things you would want to remember forever.
Earn Their Respect - Travel may allow you to see your dad in a different light, but it works the other way too. Taking yourself out of the usual routine makes you have to face new challenges. Your dad seeing that can help them see you as an adult. Planning your trip and taking control of things may help them to finally see how grown up you really are.
Because They Are Your Dad - Everyone's dad is special and sometimes its nice to let them know that. Whoever you call dad probably worked really hard raising you and sometimes its just nice to say thanks carrying them somewhere nice.
I've taken a lot of trips with my parents and I love traveling with them, but I have to admit it can be challenging. However, its all worthwhile. The older I get and the more independent I become, the more the dynamic has changed. Traveling with my dad has helped me understand him in a unique way... for better or for worse. One thing I must admit though, I'll never forget some of the moments we have had traveling together. What are your favorite moments traveling with your dad? And don't forget...
Sunday, 12 June 2016
Vlune with Adrian Bliss
Love travel bloggers? Great, well here's the best one! Just kidding. Adrian Bliss sucks, but his videos are pretty hilarious. Complete satire, mocking all that is holy about travel bloggers and travel blogging. He's doing this throughout June tracking his journey to Vidcon. And you get to watch from the very beginning! Its a truly inspirational tour he takes, not only across America, but to himself. And just remember to keep on believing, do all the things and have fun during the day... (Outro)
Sunday, 5 June 2016
Sunday, 29 May 2016
Meeting My Chinese Family
It's a strange business, traveling to meet family. In my case, I felt completely displaced going to China. Arriving in a place that you are supposed to have a connection with but have never visited before is difficult. There is a certain desperation to feel that bond, but it doesn't always come easily. I don't look traditionally Chinese, I don't understand the language and more importantly I don't share the culture.
My father is Chinese without even trying. He's only been there a couple of times but his mannerisms are full-on Chinese. It was a hard realization, seeing him blend in, although he doesn't speak the language and is just a little bit too tanned to look traditional. He grew up in the Caribbean but I see similarities in many of his actions.
But meeting our actual Chinese family showed that although my dad has similarities, he is just an outsider too. The whole situation was alien. We were alien to them, they were alien to us and there was a certain communication barrier that we tried to break through, but still managed to stay up. However, both sides trying to jump the fence made things easier, they talked and we didn't understand and we talked and they didn't understand, but in the end we all just had a good laugh about it and hugged it out.
Family is extremely important to me. Someone pointing at a person and telling me we somehow share blood doesn't necessarily make me feel anything towards you. However, the lengths 'our family' went through to make us feel welcome, makes me hope that we are somehow related. They invited us into their, homes the proceeded to stuff us with food, and then they took countless pictures with us. Sounds like family to me.
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Moving To Switzerland
This post is long overdue. I've been in Europe for a while, I think I've alluded to it a bit but I haven't officially said anything. But I'm here. And its great. It's not quite what I expected, but I am enjoying myself.
Before this trip, I had only been to London in Europe and it was great. I got the sense that Europe was the same as everywhere else I had been but just with a little bit more history. Switzerland for me is a whole other beast.
I chose to come here because of the school, The Swiss Hospitality Management School (SHMS, I may be referring to this guy a lot in my future posts). Like New York, I never really saw myself moving here but I was persuaded under the right circumstances. I was actually really scared to move somewhere that wasn't surrounded by water. But so far it has been an incredible experience.
Before I came here I'd never been to Switzerland. It was a leap of faith and it has worked out marvelously so far. What I'm trying to say is, sometimes you don't know where you will end up and why you will end up there. But that doesn't really matter. Just go. See what happens. And know that whatever shit you get yourself into, it will be alright. And Switzerland is an incredible place which you might not think of going automatically, but its definitely worth a visit.
My stay here is actually coming to an end, and I will be on to my next adventure soon but thats for another post. So, where have you moved to? Why did you move there? And how was that experience? Let me know in the comments below.
I chose to come here because of the school, The Swiss Hospitality Management School (SHMS, I may be referring to this guy a lot in my future posts). Like New York, I never really saw myself moving here but I was persuaded under the right circumstances. I was actually really scared to move somewhere that wasn't surrounded by water. But so far it has been an incredible experience.
Before I came here I'd never been to Switzerland. It was a leap of faith and it has worked out marvelously so far. What I'm trying to say is, sometimes you don't know where you will end up and why you will end up there. But that doesn't really matter. Just go. See what happens. And know that whatever shit you get yourself into, it will be alright. And Switzerland is an incredible place which you might not think of going automatically, but its definitely worth a visit.
My stay here is actually coming to an end, and I will be on to my next adventure soon but thats for another post. So, where have you moved to? Why did you move there? And how was that experience? Let me know in the comments below.
Extraordinary Place,
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Chefette is the local fast-food chain in Barbados. They serve everything from burgers and fries to rotis and their upscale section BBQ-Barn even has pork chops and macaroni pie. So we are clear, I love Chefette. There's nothing quite like a Broasted Chicken Bubbie Sandwich on a warm Sunday afternoon on Accra. Its actually one of the things I miss most when traveling. Don't be confused by there signature Broasted Chicken, it is fried chicken just cooked under a pressure fryer. The difference is subtle, but so damn good. Its the definition of crisp on the outside and juicy on the inside.
Now if you visit Barbados and don't go to Chefette, you haven't really visited Barbados. It can only be found here so don't even try to cheat. Their trademark yellow and purple are iconic here and could never be copied with the same success. There are 15 branches spread out around the island so it shouldn't be hard to find one, and when you go, trust me you won't regret it. If you want Bajan Street Cred get the Broasted Chicken Breast Sandwich, 6 piece Nuggets and Chips with a Mauby. Extra points if you call it a Chicken Bubbie Sandwich. But if theres a special get the Wing Dings. 6 Dings, Chips and a Coke... and the Sauce. Always use the sauce. It makes the meal, its like if hot-sauce and ketchup had a perfect baby.
In conclusion, if you are every hungry in Barbados just go up to a taxi driver and say, "Take me to Chefette" and all will be right with the world. If you want to look them up online, go to www.chefette.com. Find the closest location to you, give them a call and order everything on the menu.
Sunday, 8 May 2016
BEME is a social media app where you send video messages that you don't see or edit before you send. The app was created in part by the incredible, Casey Neistat. While not seeing what you are putting out into the world before you send it might seem like a crazy idea, its actually kind of cool.
With most social media apps you retake, edit and filter everything to the point where the finished product doesn't resemble the reality. With BEME, you get one chance to make it right, and then its out there. It makes everything more real.
The whole point of this is to make a more authentic experience through social media. Its more personal. I think its great for travelers because you can create content and then go back to enjoying the experience instead of getting caught up in creating the content. I say try it out. See if you like it. If you don't like it, I'm sure there are loads of other apps to fill that void. But try it out. Its fun. I think there are some bugs but its got some serious potential. And you want to be a pioneer.
If you want to download BEME check it out here. And if you want to follow me on BEME, add me at j.cho. So have you tried BEME? If yo have tell me your username and what you think in the comments down below.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Sunday, 24 April 2016
Coast to Coastan
Love when travelers make videos of Barbados. These guys made a awesome video of their trip to Bim. Its crazy how someone can come here in a short time and see all these incredible things. As a tourist destination, Barbados should be on the top of everyones list.
These guys also seemed to do a lot of exploring. They did a few things I'm not sure all tourists would be able to see. But I guess, everyone travels differently. If you want to follow their formula;
These guys also seemed to do a lot of exploring. They did a few things I'm not sure all tourists would be able to see. But I guess, everyone travels differently. If you want to follow their formula;
- Rent a car.
- Go on a catamaran (then swim with the turtles).
- Get beach chairs at Boatyard (do ALL the watersports)
- Visit Speightstown.
- Drop by the Barbados Animal Reserve (get harassed by green monkeys, then harass the turtles)
Either way, I've gotta learn how to make awesome videos like this. Barbados is too gorgeous to not do it justice.
Sunday, 17 April 2016
Going to China was a very special experience for me. My father is from Trinidad, but of Chinese decent. Therefore, I'm half Chinese. However growing up, I always knew that I didn't quite fit in with Chinese people because we are half-breeds. A picture of my extended family looks like an ad for United Color of Benetton. All of the elders on my father's side married people of other races. The Chinese connection is what binds our family but we weren't raised particularly Asian. They assimilated very well and we are fundamentally Caribbean. Well at least that was my experience. My father is a different story. His parents were actually from China and although he didn't grow up there he was much more influenced by that connection. Although he is Caribbean, being Chinese makes up more of his identity that I understand.
Therefore going to China was an incredibly interesting situation for our family. Organized by the matriarch of the family, we travelled in a massive group of 26 people. Family from around the world came together so that we could make that this trip together. There's safety in numbers and we were a traveling tribe making our way to our ancestral land. I think the trip meant different things to each member of the group. For the elders of Chinese heritage, they were going back to their roots. They got the opportunity to get in touch with a part of themselves that they had to suppress in order to be accepted in the Caribbean and better yet they get to show the younger members of the family pieces of themselves that were forgotten. While for others it was less going back to our roots and more getting in touch with a part of our identity that we know very little about. Then there were those who married into the situation and were just along for the ride.
When I first got to China I thought it is different but its still all the same. I started to think cities are the same around the world. Old World, New World, East, West. It didn't matter we were half way around the world, there is a certain similarity with all cities that now seems very familiar. However, the longer I was there, it was different. It was Asian. It was Communist. It was Foreign. There was a familiar basis so I knew I would survive but there was a certain foreignness which kept me on my toes.
Unfortunately I didn't experience the connection with China that I wanted. I enjoyed it. But I never felt the striking familiarity I wished for. I saw things which I didn't want to identify with. I realised they were characteristic of my father but I didn't want to identify with those traits. However, I did gain something else, Respect. Although I didn't identify with the traits I saw, I did gain a deep respect for what I saw and what they achieved. Their ways were different, however they worked. I saw that there are good people there and I may not understand them or their ways but that fundamental goodness is breathtaking.
Sunday, 10 April 2016
Wally's Smokehouse
Driving around Trinidad my cousin pointed out a smoke house that he wanted to try. A man with impeccable taste for meats, I was instantly intrigued. We passed it at first but on our way back, tired and rather starved we made one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. Stopping at Wally's Smokehouse.
There's a few meats on the menu that I didn't expect like lamb but I guess in Trinidad, lamb is more common than you would expect. But I got the impression these guys knew what they were doing so I went along for the ride. We got chicken, ribs and lamb. A fairly good selection, I'd say. The minute I saw my chicken I knew this was going to be a proper treat. The chicken was cooked perfectly, the skin had a crisp to be in awe of, while the meat wasn't dry at all. I've got to say, my questioning lamb on the menu was a bad call. The lamb were ideally seasoned and impeccably cooked. Delicious.
When I finished my feast of food. We had a chance to talk with the man himself, Wally. Talking to him you knew he cared about what he was doing and everything was a food choice. He chatted about the potatoes he preferred for the fries, how his meat guy cut the lamb too small and how he may know one of my uncles. Only in the Caribbean can you just go for lunch at a random place and realize they know your family. Great Food. Great People. What more can you ask for?
There's a few meats on the menu that I didn't expect like lamb but I guess in Trinidad, lamb is more common than you would expect. But I got the impression these guys knew what they were doing so I went along for the ride. We got chicken, ribs and lamb. A fairly good selection, I'd say. The minute I saw my chicken I knew this was going to be a proper treat. The chicken was cooked perfectly, the skin had a crisp to be in awe of, while the meat wasn't dry at all. I've got to say, my questioning lamb on the menu was a bad call. The lamb were ideally seasoned and impeccably cooked. Delicious.
When I finished my feast of food. We had a chance to talk with the man himself, Wally. Talking to him you knew he cared about what he was doing and everything was a food choice. He chatted about the potatoes he preferred for the fries, how his meat guy cut the lamb too small and how he may know one of my uncles. Only in the Caribbean can you just go for lunch at a random place and realize they know your family. Great Food. Great People. What more can you ask for?
Sunday, 3 April 2016
Sunday, 27 March 2016
High on Life: Epic Cliff Jumping in Barbados
These guys are awesome. Them coming to Bim was a unexpected surprise. Its impressive the amount of things they did here: The Wild Life Reserve, Surfing, Cliff Diving at Crane Beach, all in one day. Just goes to show you don't need a lot of time to have a incredible time on our shores.
Hope the guys had a great time in Barbados. They should come back and really soak up Life On The Shore. If you want more info on these guys, check out the last post I did on them, here. Or better yet, check out their site and support them at highonlife.ca.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Its My Birthday! And It Is Complicated...
This is going to be a different type of post. Very little travel and a more history on the blog. I started it years ago but it was only a year ago on my birthday that I started it up again. More importantly, I committed to being consistent. Therefore, I see today the 23rd of March as the real anniversary of the blog. 1 Year later, here we are. A full year of content that I couldn't be more proud.
I posted this video of Tyler Oakley for several reasons: 1.) He is the best 2.) Apparently yesterday was his birthday! 3.) He made me feel leagues better about my birthday. Tyler makes a lot of really great points in this video about work and birthdays and life in general. As a content maker, he's an inspiration. I'm not a YouTuber but you never know, maybe some day I'll be able to get there.
The problem is on my birthday and the anniversary of this blog, there have been many changes. Usually what I do is make content and schedule it so that it will be consistent. Mostly because I know myself, and that my work flow ebbs and flows. I wanted to do something and stick with it for a long time and see what comes out. Unfortunately, a lot of changes have happened recently. The most important of which is that I've moved to Switzerland.
While that should mean more great travel content. I haven't posted anything since I got here. Basically I have been living off of all the content I made before coming here. When I rehashed this blog it was because I had done a lot of traveling and I wanted to somehow use all that travel knowledge I had accumulated. I was in a very unfulfilling place in my life and this was a way to feel proud about something. However, now I love my everyday work. Although it is challenging, it s still fulfilling. But, as a result I haven't been able to give the blog the attention it deserves and I haven't updated all the major changes that have happened.
This blog helped change my life. Focusing on something you love can make the world of a difference. The problem is when you change your life, maybe you don't have room for the things that helped you get there. I'm uncertain about the future. If I don't start creating new content it will die and unlike Tyler I won't be able to look back at almost a decade of blood, sweat and tears.
Regardless, I'm proud of what I've done here and even if it fades into the internet black hole at least it existed. That's important to me. And I want this post to be a tribute to that. Thanks Blog, its been a hell of a ride. Hope to see you next year, but I make no promises.
Now here is a pic of me on my birthday (mostly because I can). Also, donate to Tyler's Birthday Fundraiser, no better present than changing peoples lives.
Sunday, 20 March 2016
Drift Sushi By Scott Ames
Scott Ames is one of the celebrity chefs in Barbados. He's at every culinary event cooking up a storm and working the crowd. Bento Box at Drift is his standing sushi event usually two Thursdays out of every month.
The sushi is usually a selection of four different rolls: California/Tuna Jalapeño/Salmon Maki/Special Roll. All accompanied by Wakame/Sashimi/Spicy Crab Tofu/Som Tum Salad. It's a lovely plate of sushi goodness that you can always count on to be delectable. I had the Lionfish Maki and it was just what I needed. Lionfish is becoming a delicacy in Barbados and I'm really enjoying the creative ways chefs have been using it. The roll was the perfect combination of exotic yet familiar.
The best thing about Drift Sushi Night is that its just in time to get the weekend started without having to make a huge obligation. Its the perfect opportunity to begin relaxing for the weekend without staying out too late while getting a impeccable plate of food. Especially if you have a packed weekend, its the ideal, casual engagement to meet up with friends during the week.
For more info on their Sushi Nights, go to their Facebook Page and enjoy.
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Som Tum Salad/Sashimi on a Bed of Wakame/Spicy Crab Tofu/Lionfish Maki |
Sunday, 13 March 2016
River Bay Time Lapse
You guys know I love Riverbay. Here's a time-lapse I did of my favorite place in Barbados. Let me know what you think. Any input would be great since I still have no idea what I'm doing.
Sunday, 6 March 2016
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Humans Of New York: Divorce to Backpacking
Her previous husband had been a wealthy heir. So she was used to a high lifestyle. But before the pregnancy, she seemed to emphatically enjoy my company. She exuded positivity. We'd go on vacation and she'd say things like: 'Isn't it wonderful here? The air is so nice.' She changed when she got pregnant, but I thought: 'Maybe it's just hormones.' I tried to do the right thing so we got engaged. She needed a very big ring. She'd taken some gemologist courses, so she dragged me around for weeks while she looked for the perfect stone. Then she turned her attention to me. She sent me to a custom tailor. She made me get a $12,000 watch. She was so concerned with appearances. She told everyone that her father was a top executive when I knew he was a middle manager. In retrospect, you can see the patterns, but in the moment you're just like; 'Fuck, hopefully things will go back to normal tomorrow.'
My wife was never happy, and everything had to be adjusted to that situation. In her mind, everyone was always against her. She had a constant sense of victimhood. I saw her journal one day, and without going into detail, I will say it seems that she had a very abusive childhood. But that translated into a non-stop, throbbing anxiety. She'd pick fights with shopkeepers. She went through three different dentists. She made one of them refund her invisible braces because she could see them. Her friendships would last an average of four months before she manufactured a reason to break them off. And she'd always try to get me on her side during these feuds. If I tried to talk reason to her, she'd claim that I was against her too. One day my mother's friend was walking behind my wife on the street, and overheard her talking about getting a divorce. I'd seen up close how vindictive she could be, so I decided to get a lawyer too. We'd signed a prenup, so my lawyer told me that I'd have very little leverage. And I knew my wife would chisel anything she could from me. So my lawyer told me: 'This is going to be extremely tough, and many of my clients can't handle it. But the law allows you to remain in your apartment during the proceeding. If you stay in the house with her, our one bargaining chip will be her desire to get you out of the house.'
I told her I wasn't going to leave the home during the divorce. She tried to scream but I stood my ground. I slept on the couch. She locked herself in the bedroom. Things were so tense that I'd piss in a cup to keep from going to the bathroom. My lawyer told me to record everything. So I kept my iPhone on 'record' while it was in my pocket. One morning I was eating breakfast with my son, and she walks in the kitchen and says to my son: 'Dylan, let's play a game. Let's see if Daddy has a recording device.' Then she came and started going through my pockets. I tried to push her hand away, and she said; 'Dylan come help Mommy search Daddy.' I kept trying to push her hand away, and she started screaming: 'Stop hitting me! Stop hitting me! Put down the scissors! Somebody call the police!' Our nanny ran in the room, sees me holding my wife's arm, and ran to get help. My wife reported domestic violence and filed a restraining order. My hand is shaking just talking about it.
I recently returned from seventeen days of backpacking on the Pacific Crest Trail. I took up backpacking after I got through the divorce. It was my way of regaining some control. After five years of adjusting everything to her, it gave me something to focus on that was only for me. I love to plan the trips. I love to look at the maps, and pick the best trails, and study the elevation profiles so I can choose the campsite with the best view. There is no pressure when I'm backpacking except for the pressure I put on myself. In the city, It seems that I always have a reason for being in a place. I'm in this park right now because my therapy session was half a block away. But when I'm backpacking, the only reason I'm in a place is just to be there. And that's very cathartic.
Human's of New York is one of my favorite Facebook accounts to follow. He's got photo stories down to an art. This one really touched base with me. I love what he says about when you are backpacking, the only reason for being in a place is just to be there. That feeling can be down right therapeutic. Checkout the Humans Of New York website, www.humansofnewyork.com. Better yet, buy the book.
Sunday, 21 February 2016
Buzzfeed: Your Friend Who's Back From Traveling
Don't be that guy. No one likes that guy. But if you happen to know that guy, you should tag him. So he knows that he's that guy.
Sunday, 14 February 2016
Getting Through Airport Security
Anyone who's been on a few commercial flights knows; Airport Security can be a real pain. I've never had a particularly bad experience with Airport Security but then again I've never tried to do anything to illegal in an airport. But its not very surprising to me that they do very little to keep us safe. Most of the time they just herd passengers along, barking in our face the things that most observant travelers know already.
Still, I don't just blame Airport Security completely for all the problems getting through the line at an airport. Passengers can also be just as antagonistic. They can be pushy, rude and just plain stupid. That same barking may not be necessary if after you hear "Please take your laptops out of your bags and put it in a bucket," you actually take out your laptop and put it in a bucket. In line doing nothing? Try reading the signs! They literally tell you what to do. Extra points if you figure out to do some of those things before you get to the top of the line.
Here are a few tips I live by going through Airport Security that I think they've worked out pretty well for me;
- Prepare Before - Don't dress in clothes that take forever to take off. Don't put on a bunch of jewelry you are going to have to take off. Most importantly, Don't put a bunch of stuff in your bag that you are going to have to throw out, like water.
- Prepare In Line - If you are traveling with a bunch of stuff you couldn't avoid bringing in line, while you are in line start prepping. Take out that laptop. Take off that coat. Put all your things in your bag so you don't have to empty your pockets. This way when you get to the top of the line, you can just slide on through.
- Be Nice (Smile Even) - Airport Security may not be nice or even demonstrate basic public decency, but thats no excuse for you being an asshole. Don't anticipate a problem and treat them like if they are already strip searching you. Be kind to them. A smile goes a long way, and they may be genuinely having a bad day and you being polite might just help. I think if I had to watch people leave on awesome vacations day in and day out, I'd probably become a serial killer.
Airport Security is a drag and apparently they don't really do anything to keep us safe. The system should be revised so every passenger isn't treated like a criminal. That being said, bitching about it in line won't help the problem. Please be mindful of the fact that you have to go through security. The faster you make your way through, the faster the rest of us can get to our vacations.
Check out more Adam Ruins Everything on The TruTV YouTube Channel.
Want more comics, click on over to Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zack Weinersmith.
Check out more Adam Ruins Everything on The TruTV YouTube Channel.
Want more comics, click on over to Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zack Weinersmith.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Sunday, 31 January 2016
Sunset Kayak
It's Finally Here! Video number 2 from Life From The Shore! Hope you guys like it. It's just some GoPro footage I took on one of my kayak trips. Again, any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea what I'm doing. Either way I'll try to upload another video sooner than later.
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Bucket List: Work With Disney
Bucket List #62: Working with Disney.
This is a prime example why. I'll probably be retired, dying from cancer and write them a letter saying, I'm about to die asking to fulfill a lifetime dream and they will stick me to work the hotdog stand. But to be perfectly honest that would be a dream come true. There is some thing to be said about that Disney Magic. Its difficult to make everything seem so incredibly magnificent. That anything can happen. Even the most impossible things.
Anyone who has ever visited a Disney theme park knows the amount of care and thought that goes into everything they do. It feels like no decision is taken lightly and everything is meant to create a 'magical experience'.
Long story short, I want to work at Disney or with Disney. Sooner or later, it's going to happen.
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